Fire and Safety Australia Pty Ltd

"Fire and Safety Australia is delighted to again be nominated for the Training Team of the year Asia/Pacific."
A national company with a team of over 150. With facilities, training, emergency response personnel across Australia; the Wind Industry plays a key part of Fire and Safety's operations.
With a diverse client base, it specialises in meeting corporate on-site training along with a public course schedule. As a registered training organisation, it delivers BST and ART with a value add of nationally recognised qualifications.
Alongside training, the Emergency Response Services teams provide 24/7 onsite service for several of Australia’s Wind Farms; as a result Fire and Safety Australia not only trains wind industry personnel, but also keeps them safe at work giving FSA a unique perspective with our training.
FSA builds it's culture based on 4 core Values – Be Memorable, Passion for Safety, Thirst for Improvement, and Commitment to our team and clients. This enables it to attract the best industry talent, to ensure it provides world class client service after 16 years in business.